Lego Mindstorms 2.0
- Easy to use NXT G programming software
- Very simple NXT interface
- Rubber buttons
- You can reset the NXT
- Starts up almost immediately
- Small screen
- When you program on the NXT, it only allows 5 things

- Bigger screen
- When programming on EV3, you can do unlimited programming
- EV3 and pieces look wicked cool (in my opinion)
- Can control robot with I-pad app
- Takes 10 seconds to start up
- Programming software is not very user-friendly
- EV3 screen is STUFFED. Everything is so tiny
- Has plastic buttons
So basically, I think the 2.0 version is better.
Thanks for reading! Bye.........................
By Arnaav, a 10 year old boy who loves technology and Minecraft.